keto avocado boats with prawns in lime & ginger mayonnaise


Keto Avocado Boats with Prawns in Lime & Ginger Mayonnaise: an exotic lunch idea with only 3.5g carbs.

 It’s simple maths: Avocado + Keto = BFF.

How can anyone not love avocados? They are filling, versatile and 100% keto-perfect. Forget what inculcated doctors used to tell you (and some still do), out of complete nutritional ignorance or just plain sheeple stupidity. Avocado is one of the best fruits you can eat. Healthy, buttery, loaded with good fats, antioxidants and potassium (who needs bananas when avocado is sooo much better!). Great in hot dishes, salads, smoothies, cakes… There are infinite ways to eat them. And I am in looove with avocados.

Hence, this week’s recipe features my favourite berry.  Yes, my friends, avocado is a single-seed berry, not a vegetable!

Although I have classified this dish as lunch, you could actually serve it as a starter. In that case, however, I would use 2 small avocados – instead of a large one as called by the recipe, and feed 4 people. Not because I’m stingy (although my ketohusband would sarcastically cough at that…). If you serve these gorgeous boats with buttered Seeded Protein Bread slices, they are extremely satiating. You wouldn’t want to spoil your guests’ appetite to the point where they cannot eat your lovingly prepared main course, would you?

Ingredients for Keto Avocado Boats with Prawns in Lime & Ginger Mayonnaise.

Avocado is the star of the show. If possible, buy the brown rough-skinned ones, rather than the smooth, light green variety. The latter tends to bruise more easily and has less flavour.

Choose an avocado that is at the right ripeness stage, using the thumb test: you should be able to push your thumb into it, but it should offer resistance as you do.

I also recommend that you discard any stringy bits that usually appear when an avocado is starting to over-ripen – usually around the top and the bottom of the fruit.

keto avocado boats with prawns in lime & ginger mayonnaise

Prawns – aka shrimps as our US friends call them, are best bought raw, in my humble opinion. I think they tend to taste better and be more succulent. You can always use cooked prawns for convenience or economy, but I’d rather not. I’m also fussy about where they come from, avoiding those that have been farmed in China. Some time ago I watched a horrific documentary about Chinese intensive prawn farming. The unlucky crustaceans were crammed in tanks and employees were removing one eye from the females with their bare hands. Why? Apparently having one eye removed makes them more fertile! Humans are definitely the most cruel animal species on this planet 🙁

Lime gives a delicious tangy flavour to the dish and alongside ginger, it adds to the nutritional benefits of the recipe.

Coriander (aka cilantro, dhania) has a pungent but delicate flavour that pairs really well with lime.

keto avocado boats with prawns in lime & ginger mayonnaise

Mayonnaise can either be the home-made variety – if you can be bothered, or a shop bought version. I must admit to rarely making my own mayonnaise. Definitely because I’m lazy. Probably because I’m not very good at it. Sometimes it’s a success. Sometimes it’s a flop. And I hate wasting food. The mayo I use comes from Italy and it’s called Calve’ Classica. It has no  added sugar and is extremely low in carbs (0.6g per 100g). Always check the nutrients label when choosing your foods. There can be huge differences between brands.

Finally, a little (or a lot – depending on your taste buds) fine Himalayan pink salt and paprika complete the dish. One boat per person, with 3 buttered slices of seeded protein bread = 5g carbs in total. Not bad, don’t you think? 

It’s an easy lunch option, so why not give my Keto Avocado Boats with Prawns in Lime & Ginger Mayonnaise a try? After all, keto is great, but you’ll fall off the wagon if you don’t introduce variety in your meal plans.


  • Yield: 2
  • Serving: 1
  • Calories: 453
  • Fat: 38.5g
  • Net Carbs: 3.5g
  • Protein: 23g
Recipe type: Lunch Ideas
Cuisine: Ketogenic. LCHF. Low Carb. Gluten Free. Grain Free.
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
An exotic lunch or starter dish with impressive health stats. Serve it with some slicedlow carb bread and enjoy the keto lifestyle!
  • 225g raw king prawns (boiled or steamed for 5 minutes and cooled)
  • 1 large avocado
  • 60g mayonnaise (U.S. option HERE) This is by far the best brand of mayo you'll ever try - and virtually no carbs!
  • a coin-size amount of fresh ginger (grated)
  • a handful of fresh coriander (chopped) + a few leaves for decoration (optional)
  • juice of 1 lime
  • a pinch of fine Himalayan pink salt (U.S. option HERE)
  • a pinch of paprika
  1. slice avocado in half lengthways and remove the pit.
  2. scoop out all the pulp and place it in a medium-large glass bowl.
  3. mash avocado pulp with a fork, then add mayonnaise, lime juice, salt, paprika, ginger and chopped coriander.
  4. taste test and adjust seasoning as required.
  5. stir in cooled prawns, reserving a few for decoration.
  6. fill avocado halves with the prawns/mayonnaise mixture.
  7. decorate with reserved prawns and coriander leaves.
  8. serve with 2-3 slices of seeded protein bread laced with butter.
Best served alongside 2-3 slices of buttered protein bread

Metric kitchen scales are an inexpensive yet invaluable gadget to enable accurate measurement of ingredients. Store them upright in a cupboard or over your worktop and they'll only take up a tiny bit of space. Click HERE for the ones I use. For U.S. option click HERE.

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  1. I tried this and loved it – the ginger fitted really well. I rarely use it outside curries so nice to find another use!
    I make speedy Mayo – I think the recipe was from Pinterest originally. I use a narrow mug, jar or jug and a stick/wand blender. 280ml oil, 1 egg, dash of vinegar and teaspoon of mustard, bit of salt and pepper. Put everything in the narrow container and blend. It hasn’t failed me yet!

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